Risebridge is proud to announce that we will be opening our doors for a warming center in Nanaimo again for this winter season. It will be our third season running this successful and life-saving program.
520 Prideaux Street
9AM-4PM DAILY, including holidays
This season marks our 3rd year running this much needed program in our community. In 2021 when SEIA closed, we banded together with our community and started serving coffee and handing our survival supplies on the streets of downtown Nanaimo. We quickly partnered with local community leaders and small business owners to open a space downtown. Last year we hosted the program in our own building on Prideaux. We are so proud of this incredible program that will once again provide access to basic needs and the resources and connections to address the social determinants of health in our community, especially for the most vulnerable and marginalized.
This program is only possible through the tireless advocacy efforts of our team members, the passion and dedication of our volunteers and the generous donations from our neighbours and community. Thank you for making Warm Reach the wonderful success it is today.

The inside of the warming center; bins of donated clothes, coffee service, a welcoming space to warm up and get connected with inreach services, resources and service navigation.

December 2021
Risebridge team
mebers, our families
and neighbours came
together to distribute
hot chocolate and survival supplies

Risebridge provides donations to anyone who needs, for free! We pride ourselves on distributing items equitably and coordinating with other service providers and government agencies to spread much needed basic resources across the mid island area
We give out items directly to the community and do not have storage space so please donate items that are seasonally appropriate and new or in excellent used condition. Check our donation lists below and email us to arrange donations today!
To donate another way click here.
socks, undergarments, sports bras, tank tops
gloves, toques
wool clothing + long underwear
waterproof hooded jackets and warm coats sz lg/xlg
hoodies, especially men's sizes lg+
basic crew neck tees
Pants sizes 28-36
Sweatpants and leggings, trackpants
seasonally approprirate shoes and boots; mens size 10-15

electronics; phones, chargers, laptops
blankets, sleeping bags, tents, sleeping pads
tools; drill, plyers, screw driver, duct tape, flashlight, batteries, work gloves
bags; backpacks, duffle bags, reusable grocery bags
garbage bags, zip locks, rope, bungee cords
sewing supplies, patches, glue
cutlery (forks and spoons) serving tools

Hygiene + Cleaning
First aid including tylenol + advil, antihistamines
dish soap
laundry soap
face + body wipes, kleenex
razors, deodorant, body wash/soap
MINI shampoo + conditioners
Hair brushes, combs, dryers, clips, ties
unused makeup, perfume, skin care
bandaids, first aid, herbal remedies, hydrators
braces, bandages, canes, reading glasses

Arts and craft supplies; nice quality activities/ colouring books
Musical instruments
Prepackaged snacks ; Granola bars, fruit cups, mr noodles & gluten free choices
hand warmers, survival blankets, rain ponchos
camping supplies; tents, sleeping pads
canes and walkers
wagons, wheely grocery carts, bikes